Monday, December 30, 2019
Lesson Plans for Civil Debates and Discussion
This lesson plan is based on the idea that having students support opinions that are not necessarily their own during debates can help improve students fluency. In this manner, students pragmatically focus on correct production skills in conversation rather than striving to win the argument. For more information on this approach please see the following feature: Teaching Conversational Skills: Tips and Strategies Of course, once students have become confident in their production skills, the can obviously argue the point they truly believe in. Aim: Improve conversational skills when supporting a point of view Activity: Debate concerning the current and future impact of the Internet on daily life Level: Upper-intermediate to advanced Outline: Review language used when expressing opinions, disagreeing, making comments on other persons point of view, etc. (See worksheet)Ask students to consider the following statement:The Internet has forever changed the way we live. Its importance will continue to grow. By the year 2010, most of the world will be conducting its business, receiving its media (TV, films, music), and staying in touch solely via the Internet.Based on students responses, divide groups up into two groups. Important: Make sure that groups are put into the group with the opposite opinion of what they seemed to believe in the warm-up conversation.Give students worksheets including ideas pro and con. Have students develop arguments using the ideas on the worksheet as a springboard for further ideas and discussion.Once students have prepared their opening arguments, begin with the debate. Each team has 5 minutes to present their principal ideas.Have students prepare notes and make a rebuttal to the expressed opinions .While the debate is in progress, take notes on common errors made by the students.At the end of the debate, take time for a short focus on common mistakes. This is important, as students should not be too involved emotionally and therefore will be quite capable of recognizing language problems - as opposed to problems in beliefs! Internet Craze What do you think about the following statement? The Internet has forever changed the way we live. Its importance will continue to grow. By the year 2010, most of the world will be conducting its business, receiving its media (TV, films, music), and staying in touch solely via the Internet. Use the clues and ideas below to help you create an argument for your appointed point of view with your team members. Below you will find phrases and language helpful in expressing opinions, offering explanations and disagreeing. Opinions, Preferences: I think..., In my opinion..., Id like to..., Id rather..., Id prefer..., The way I see it..., As far as Im concerned..., If it were up to me..., I suppose..., I suspect that..., Im pretty sure that..., It is fairly certain that..., Im convinced that..., I honestly feel that, I strongly believe that..., Without a doubt,..., Disagreeing: I dont think that..., Dont you think it would be better..., I dont agree, Id prefer..., Shouldnt we consider..., But what about..., Im afraid I dont agree..., Frankly, I doubt if..., Lets face it, The truth of the matter is..., The problem with your point of view is that... Giving Reasons and offering explanations: To start with, The reason why..., Thats why..., For this reason..., Thats the reason why..., Many people think...., Considering..., Allowing for the fact that..., When you consider that... The Internet Will Change Our Lives In Every Aspect The use of the Internet around the world is doubling every few months.The Internet has already changed with way we communicate.Business has invested billions on the Internet.The Internet is becoming faster all the time, you can already watch a video or listen to Mp3s via the Internet.Many people now live at home and work via the Internet.The Internet has created unlimited new business opportunitiesMost people use email instead of writing letters to keep in touch with their friends.The Internet is still very young. The Internet Is Just A New Form Of Communication, But Will Not Change Everything In Our Lives The Internet, while interesting, is just a fad.People want to go out and meet other people when they do their shopping.It is too difficult to use the Internet and computers, most people do not have the patience.Reading on a computer screen is uncomfortable and people will never stop wanting to read, listen to music and be entertained in traditional ways.The Internet creates cultural homogenization - some would say Americanization, and eventually people will get tired of this.The only real interaction between people must take place face to face on not virtually.The Internet is mainly used by teenagers and other people who have lots of time to waste.The new economy of the Internet produces nothing - people can not buy a smoke.
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Financial Performance of Ebay and Amazon Essay Example
Essays on Financial Performance of Ebay and Amazon Essay The paper "Financial Performance of Ebay and Amazon" is an outstanding example of an essay on finance and accounting. Ebay and Amazon are two of the largest online retailers in the world. In order to compare the financial performance of both these companies, the ratio analysis of its financial statements was calculated. The ratio analysis is illustrated in the table below. The net margin of Ebay is 17.80%. Ebays profitability is outstanding considering the fact that Amazon's profitability was only 0.37%. One of the reasons that Ebay has higher profitability is because the company incurs in lower operating costs. Return on assets shows how effective a company has been at generating profits from its assets. In 2013 Ebay had a return on assets of 6.88%, while Amazon had a much lower ROA at 0.68%. Return on equity measures a corporation's profitability by revealing how much profit a company generates with the money shareholders have invested (Investodepia). Ebay had a return on equity in 2013 of 12.08% which is higher than Amazon's result of 2.81%. The total asset turnover measures how efficient a company is at generating revenue from its assets. Ebay had a total asset turnover in 2013 of 0.39. Amazon had a much better total asset turnover in 2013 with a result of 1.85. The time's interest earned measures the amount of income that can be used to cover the interest expense of the company. A high time interest earned is the desirable outcome. Ebay had a times interest earned of 35.48. Amazon had a much lower times interest earned at 19.61. The current ratio shows the ability of a company to pay off its short term debt. The formula to calculate the current ratio is current assets divided by current liabilities The current ratio of Ebay was 1.84, while Amazon had a current ratio of 1.07. Ebays current ratio is better. The quick ratio is another short term solvency metric that is similar to the current ratio, but it eliminates inventory from the numerator of the formula. Ebay does not hold any inventory, thus its quick ratio is the same as its current ratio at 1.84. Amazon had a quick ratio in 2013 of 0.75. Based on the ratio analysis performed Ebay is a better investment option because the company has superior profitability and liquidity.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
The History Of The Curriculum Theory Education Essay Free Essays
string(90) " would let instructors to bespeak which of the command aims are more likely to be tested\." You have been assigned to a low-performing in-between school campus. Your overseer has requested that you make alterations in the school course of study to increase pupil accomplishment. Describe your program of action to increase pupil accomplishment degrees at this in-between school. We will write a custom essay sample on The History Of The Curriculum Theory Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Describe and discourse how the informal and concealed course of study impact and alter the formal course of study? Provide specific illustrations. Include parental outlooks and prohibitions as portion of the informal course of study. What constructs about course of study are present in the heads of pedagogues in a school with which you are familiar? Historically, instruction has played a major function in determining the lives of all persons. Curriculum theory has continually evolved and, there has ever been a conflict to better and spread out the course of study. Several inquiries that plague pedagogues today are â€Å" Which course of study should we follow? †and â€Å" What cognition is of most deserving? †. There are a battalion of course of study theories that help pedagogues understand the construct of pupil acquisition and accomplishment. This chapter is an effort to expose pedagogues to the diverse course of study theories that influence today ‘s educational system. What is course of study? From a historical position, course of study is any papers or program that exists in a school or school system that defines the work of instructors. This program guides pedagogues in placing the content of the stuff to be taught. Many work programs may dwell of text editions, resource stuffs, or range and sequence charts. â€Å" The intent of a course of study is non to abandon organisational boundaries but to enable the organisation to map within those boundaries more efficaciously and, over clip more expeditiously †( English and Larson, 1996 ) . â€Å" A course of study can carry through these ends by: ( 1 ) clear uping organisational boundaries ; ( 2 ) specifying the nature of the work to be done ; ( 3 ) associating the major undertakings to be accomplished to one another within the entire work procedure or work flow ( coordination ) ; ( 4 ) shaping criterions by which work is to be measured or assessed ; ( 5 ) specifying rating processs by which work consequences can be c ompared to work performed ; ( 6 ) devising alterations in the work performed through feedback ; and ( 7 ) reiterating the above stairss in order to accomplish a higher degree of work public presentation on a consistent footing †( English and Larson, p.24 ) . There are at least three different types of course of study in schools: formal course of study, informal course of study, and concealed course of study The formal course of study normally appears in province ordinances, course of study ushers, or officially sanctioned range and sequence charts. The formal course of study is what will be found in instructor ‘s lesson programs. The informal course of study represents the unofficial facets of planing or presenting the course of study. This type of course of study involves the subtle but of import personality traits that a instructor interacts with the kid – positively or negatively. Informal course of study contains those things that we teach that are unplanned and self-generated. The concealed course of study is non recognized at schools. It deals with outlooks and premises. These are instructions, which are presented to pupils but are non consciously received by them. Hidden course of study can be destructive, negative and insurgent, or it can be constructive, desirable and positive. Tanner describes this as the collateral course of study. Tanner stresses that collateral acquisition is in the manner of formation of digesting attitudes, of likes and disfavors, may be and frequently more of import that the spelling lesson in geographics or history that is learned ( Tanner,1995 ) . Curriculum Alignment Theory Curriculum alliance is an of import scheme necessary to heighten academic accomplishment degrees of all pupils. Because of high bets proving, pupils need to be prepared to go through province tests. Fenwick English, a prima advocate of course of study alliance, maintains that there is an interrelatedness between the tried course of study, taught course of study and written course of study. When all three are working together, the relationship is called â€Å" tight †. In order to bring forth optimal educational consequences, stairss must be taken to aline the written course of study ( found in text editions, course of study ushers and supports resources ) , the taught course of study ( instructors ‘ lesson programs ) and the tested course of study ( TAAS, ITBS, SAT, etc. ) Fenwick English describes course of study as a papers of some kind, and its intent is to concentrate and link the work of schoolroom instructors in schools ( 1992 ) . School territories tend to buy te xt editions that are normally non aligned to the course of study or province trials. This presents a job. Focus and connectivity are lost. Curriculum articulation ( Vertical Teaming ) refers to the focal point and perpendicular connectivity in a school or school system. Several design and bringing issues originate associating to curriculum articulation. In design, instructors must specify in the work program the needed degrees of focus/connectivity desired to optimise pupil public presentation vertically. In bringing, plan monitoring is indispensable to guarantee design unity vertically ( English, 1992 ) . Last, if what is tested is non being taught nor addressed in stuffs used by pupils, trial tonss and related educational results will non make the outlooks of the pupils, instructors, decision makers, parents, and the populace. In an epoch of answerability, course of study alliance offers pupils an chance to go successful. In Allan Glatthorn ‘s book The Principal as Curriculum Leader, he presents a six- measure course of study procedure that aids in alliance: ( 1 ) Plan the undertaking. A commission should be appointed to supervise the undertaking. The commission members must be trained in the alignment procedure. ( 2 ) Focus the course of study. The course of study should concentrate on the territory ‘s aims. ( 3 ) Analyze the trials. Grade degree squads should analyse trial informations. This scheme would let instructors to bespeak which of the command aims are more likely to be tested. You read "The History Of The Curriculum Theory Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" ( 4 ) Analyze the text. Teachers should analyse where the command aims are explained in the text. ( 5 ) Measure the consequences. The commission should reexamine and discourse all the consequences, observing countries needed to be improved. ( 6 ) Use the consequences. Complete alliance charts. Teachers should utili ze the command objectives to develop annually and unit programs that guarantee equal intervention of all aims. Aims tested should hold precedence and objectives non tested should hold 2nd precedence ( Glatthorn, 1997 ) . Quality Control in Curriculum Quality control refers to a uninterrupted procedure or organisational autonomy and development that addition organisational effectivity. Three cardinal ingredients that must be present are 1 ) a work criterion, 2 ) work appraisal, and 3 ) activity. As all these elements become congruent, work public presentation in an organisation in improved. Multiple Intelligence Theory Howard Gardner has created the theory of Multiple Intelligences. He maintains that most school systems frequently focus on a narrow scope of intelligence that involves chiefly verbal/linguistic and logical/mathematical accomplishments. While cognition and accomplishments in these countries are indispensable for lasting and booming in the universe, he suggests that there are at least six other sorts of intelligence that are of import to fuller human development and that about everyone has available to develop. They include, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, naturalist and intra-personal intelligence. Gardner believes that the eight intelligences he has identified are independent, in that they develop at different times and to different grades in different persons. They are, nevertheless, closely related, and many instructors and parents are happening that when an single becomes more adept in one country, the whole configuration of intelligence may be enhanced . The undermentioned philosophic theories examine course of study from a wide position that includes all of the scholar ‘s experiences to the more restricted position that sees it as academic capable affair. ( 1 ) Idealist Curriculum Theory – This theory was prevailing during the yearss of Plato. Idealists viewed course of study as a organic structure of rational capable affair and learned subjects that are conceptional and conceptual. Mathematics, history and literature for case were ranked really high. The overruling end of Idealist instruction was to promote pupils to be searchers of truth. ( 2 ) Realist Curriculum Theory – Aristotle founded Realism. Realist course of study maintains that the most effectual and efficient manner to happen out about world is to analyze it through consistently organized capable affair subjects. Realist course of study involves direction in the countries of reading, authorship, and calculation. Deriving cognition through research met hods are stressed. ( 3 ) Naturalist Curriculum Theory – The Naturalists position of course of study differed from the earlier theoreticians. Learning should actively affect kids in covering with the environment, utilizing their senses, and work outing jobs. Naturalists maintained that echt instruction is based on the preparedness and demands of the human being. ( 4 ) Pragmatic ( Experiential ) Curriculum Theory- This course of study theory attacks larning through sing. The kid ‘s involvements, demands and experiences are taken into consideration. ( 5 ) Existentialist Curriculum Theory – The course of study includes the accomplishments and topics that explain physical and societal world. â€Å" The important acquisition stage is non in the construction of cognition, nor in curricular organisation but instead in the pupil ‘s building of its significance ( Gutek, 120 ) †. ( 6 ) Conservatism Curriculum Theory – The course of study should convey the general civilization to all and supply appropriate instruction to the assorted strata in society. This course of study included the basic accomplishments found in most school plans – reading, authorship, and math. Personal Practical Knowledge In his work, Personal Knowledge, Michael Polanyi demonstrates that the scientist ‘s personal engagement in the production of cognition is an indispensable portion of the scientific discipline itself. â€Å" Even the exact scientific disciplines, â€Å" knowing is an art, of which the accomplishment of the apprehender, guided by his personal committedness and his passionate sense of increasing contact with world, is a logically necessary portion †. Polanyi describes, â€Å" cognizing †in the art of siting a motorcycle. In this description he states that the rule by which the bicycler keeps his balance is known, but the cognition is in the â€Å" making †. Key Concepts Accountability – This term refers to keeping schools and instructors responsible for what pupils learn. Content- A word used to place the course of study and divide it from school direction. Criterion-Referenced Test – Measures of public presentation compared to predetermined criterions or aims. Core/Fused Curriculum – Integration of the two or more topics ; for illustration, English and societal surveies. Problem and subject orientations frequently serve as the integration design. Curriculum -Curriculum is any papers or program that exists in a school or school system that defines the work of instructors. Curriculum Alignment – A connectivity between what is tested, taught and written. Curriculum Compacting – Content development and bringing theoretical accounts that abbreviated the sum of clip to cover a subject without compromising the deepness and comprehensiveness of stuff taught. Curriculum Development – A procedure whereby picks in planing a learning experience for pupils are made and activated through a set of co-ordinated activities. Curriculum Guide – A written statement of aims, content, and activities to be used with a peculiar topic at specified class degrees ; normally produced by province sections or local educational bureaus. Curriculum Management Planning – A systematic method of be aftering for alteration. Formative Evaluation – Student accomplishment is monitored throughout the school twelvemonth. This will be done through pupil /teacher conferences, departmental meetings, curriculum manager monitoring and conferences. Feedback and suggestions for betterment will be considered. Knowing in Action – This construct refers to the kinds of know-how we reveal in our intelligent action. By detecting and reflecting in our actions, we make cognizing in action implicit. We reveal it in a self-generated mode ; and we are unable to set it in words ( Schon, p. 25, 1987 ) . Performance Objective – Targeted outcome steps for measuring the acquisition of peculiar procedure based accomplishments and cognition. Sequence – The organisation of an country of survey. Frequently, the organisation is chronological, traveling from simple to complex. Staff Development – Body of activities designed to better the proficiencies of the pedagogue practician. Subject-Content – The type of course of study that stresses the command of capable affair, with all other results considered subordinate. Summational Evaluation – Teachers and pupils will reflect on the course of study procedure. Met and unmet ends and aims will be discussed at length. Improvements and polishs will be based on the summational rating Tacit Knowledge – Tacit cognition is â€Å" cognizing in action †. To go adept in the usage of this tool is to larn to appreciate, straight and without immediate logical thinking, the qualities of the stuff that we apprehend through the silent esthesis of the tool in our manus ( Schon, p. 25, 1987 ) . Curriculum Websites – The undermentioned sites provide information on course of study and the course of study alliance procedure. How to cite The History Of The Curriculum Theory Education Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Jesse James Essay Research Paper Jesse James free essay sample
Jesse James Essay, Research Paper Jesse James Jesse James and his pack were rather adept and successful in bank robberies, stagecoach robberies and train robberies. James is one of the most interesting characters of the old West. Jesse James was born in Missouri on September 5, 1847. Jesse Woodson James was born to Reverend Robert and Zerelda James. At the age of three, Jesse s dad dies of nutrient toxic condition in a Placerville, California gold cantonment after abandoning his household to seek wealths during the gold haste. His female parent remarries twice more. In add-on to the two natural brothers he had, Jessie gained two half-brothers and two half sisters from his female parent s 3rd matrimony. Jesse was skilled with Equus caballuss and natural leader. He was neer a really skilled sharpshooter. Jesse s brother, Frank James, left place to contend the Rebel cause, he joined the Confederate Army in 1861 at age of 18. Jesse wanted to fall in his brother, but it wasn T boulder clay 1863 when he joined Bloody Bill Anderson s guerrilla forces, even though Quantrill didn Ts truly want him. Jesse acquired the moniker of Dingus. In 1864, Jesse is credited for killing Union Major A.V. Johnson at the slaughter of Centralia. Jesse was wounded towards the terminal of the civil war ; he took a.36 quality bullet in the left rib coop, perilously near to the bosom. His cousin Zerelda Mimms was most responsible for nursing Jesse back to wellness. Frank and Jesse talked about organizing a pack with Cole Younger. Before things were arranged, in February of 1866, Frank, Col and Jim Younger robbed the Clay County Savings Bank in Liberty, MO. Making about $ 72,000. Jesse s fable is embellished when he is placed at the scene every bit good ; contrary to household members describing Jesse sick in bed, with his thorax lesion still trouble oneselfing him. Of October 30, 1866, Jesse and Frank are blamed for the robbery of Mitchell and Company banking house of Lexington, MO, even though they were non in province at the clip. Jesse was really attached to his female parent and normally hides out at her house after drawing a occupation. In March of 1868, the James brothers and Younger brothers robbed the Southern Deposit bank in Russellville, Kentucky for $ 14,000. That same twelvemonth, they hold up Davies County Savings Bank of Gallatin, Mo. They get $ 700 and kill cashier John W. Sheets, puting slaying on their hold-up charges. 1868-9, the male childs spent most of the remainder of these old ages in Nashville country. James and Youngers, rob a bank in Columbia, Kentucky and cashier R.A.C. Martin is murdered for the $ 6,000 on April 29, 1872. Besides in 1872, James Brothers rob the teller at the Kansas City Fair of $ 8,000. James brothers commit their first train robbery on July 21, 1873. Jesse is thought to be the originator behind robbing railway express autos. They stopped the train by taking a part of the path. They took $ 26,000 from riders and the express auto of the Chicago, Rock Island A ; Pacific RR near Adair, Iowa. Killing Engineer John Rafferty during the robbery. By that clip the Pinkertons were after them. Pinkerton detective J. W. Whicher was killed while pursing the James brothers, allegedly by Jesse and Frank. Pinkerton sent more agents after them. On January 15, 1874 Jesse James and party rob their first known stagecoach armed robbery of between $ 1,000 to $ 8,000 of hard currency and gems near Hot Springs, Arkansas. Shortly after, they robbed the St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern railway train at Gads Hill, MO, devisings of $ 10,000. While concealing out in Roscoe, Missouri, the Pinkertons caught up with the Younger brothers. John was shot in the cervix and killed by Captain Louis J. Lull of the Pinkertons. This occurred on March 17, 1874. In1875, Pinkertons toss a fume bomb into the Samuelson farm house in Kearney and the decision is that Archie Peyton Samuel thought it was a loose stick from the fire and tossed it back into the fire and it exploded, killing him and badly injuring Jesse A ; Frank s female parent. Three months subsequently, Jesse married his cousin Zerelda. Many others had asked for her manus, but she wanted Jesse, even cognizing he was an criminal. They finally had two kids, Mary and Jesse. Shortly after, Frank marries Annie Ralston in Omaha, Nebraska. They eloped and her male parent had no thought who she was married to. Until a posse showed up at the Ralston house that he realized who is girl had married. The undermentioned twelvemonth in 1876, Northfield, Minnesota common people open up on the James and Younger pack in their effort to rob the First Nation Bank. It resulted in many of those in the James pack losing their lives. This clip the citizens fought back, the idea they looked leery and alarmed the sheriff. The citizens were contending the pack members ; meanwhile the criminal rode up and down the street firing indiscriminately to seek to acquire the people to remain off while they robbed the bank. The Tellers resisted passing over the money. They tried get awaying the bank. Charley Pitts and Bill Chadwell are killed. Cole, Jim and Bob Younger are shot to pieces and are captured two hebdomads subsequently. The staying robbers sit off, acquiring perfectly nil for their attempts. After lying back for a piece, in October 1879, he was back to his old fast ones with a new pack. They robbed the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific train near Winston, MO. Jesse James robbed four more trains in 1881. The last train robbery for Jesse was at Blue Cut, near Glendale, Mo. Nets $ 3,000 in hard currency and jewellery taken from riders. Two of their pack members were captured after that one. On April 3, 1882, Jesse was killed. Shot by Robert Ford for the wages money. After jesses decease, Frank turned himself in. However, he was neer convicted of anything. Yet in America, legends die hard. Relatives of on J. Frank Dalton believe that James really faked his decease and lived a long life as Dalton, who lived boulder clay 1951. Jesses decease will ever be a enigma to some people.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Mozart Essays (1903 words) - Music, Classical Music, Mozart Family
Mozart "The classical period produced more instrumental than vocal music, a wealth of serious and comic operas as well as vocal religious music also appeared during this time"(Ferris, 231). One of the best composer of this time was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In this paper I will go through his childhood, his friends and family, and of course his music. Enjoy!!! Child of the Enlightenment The world that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart entered ceremoniously in 1756 was brimming in change. Historians refer to this era as the Age of Enlightenment, one of unparalleled scientific, philosophical, and political ferment. Within Mozart's lifetime it set in motion forces that would fundamentally alter life not only in his native, Salzburg, but also around the globe. The Enlightenment was not, to be sure, a democratic movement. In France, the absolutism of the Sun King, Louis XIV, continued under Louis XV and XVI. But in Austria, Empress Maria Theresa introduced a greater measure of tolerance and freedom among her subjects, laying a foundation for the democratic revolutions that followed. Wolfgang's father Leopold came from a family of Augsburg bookbinders. He received a solid Jesuit education, more intellectual than evangelical after a year at the Benedictine University in nearby Salzburg; Leopold stopped attending classes to pursue a career as a musician. "Leopold figured as Mozart's most important first model. He taught his son the clavier and composition"(Mercardo 763). Wolfgang's mother Anna-Maria brought as much talent to her 32-year marriage as did Leopold. Though deprived of a formal education, she was highly intelligent and quick-witted? qualities that attracted the sober and reserved Leopold. Only two of their seven children survived infancy. Wolfgang's musically talented sister Nannerl was five years older. Yet in this painting, the 12-year- old looks like a spinster of seventy?complete with budding double chin. Wolfgang, too, looks far older than his 7 years, and controls the action from his place at its center. The Child Prodigy Indeed, Mozart marks the beginning of the Western fascination with the child prodigy. Dressed in the festive outfit given Wolfgang in 1762 by the Empress Maria Theresa, this boy of not quite seven years old looks, for all the world, like a miniature adult who has simply skipped childhood. "Mozart was keenly aware of his exceptional ability, which had been fostered and rutted in him by his father from a very early age"(Schroter). Other nineteenth-century artists represented Wolfgang?variously said to be anywhere from 11 to 14 as a curly-locked angel. For them, how else could the divine music that poured out of a child-size body be explained? The idealization of Mozart's genius was complete by the end of the nineteenth century. Mozart composes with his violin in one hand and music has appeared miraculously on his stand in the other. The message is unmistakable: "Mortals use quills, Mozart simply wills"(Solomon) On the Road The temptation to take his two prodigies on the road proved irresistible to Leopold, who assumed sole responsibility for Mozart's education. Between 1762 and 1766, the Mozarts appeared at almost every major court in Europe. Wolfgang dazzled audiences with his ability to read difficult music at sight and to improvise. In London, as elsewhere, the Mozarts hobnobbed with the leading musicians. Probably the most important of these was Johann Christian Bach, the youngest son of Johann Sebastian. It is no accident that Mozart's early symphonies, composed in London, are often stylistically indistinguishable from those of J. C. Bach. When Mozart was 13, his prowess as a keyboard player, violinist, improviser, and composer were already legendary. "When Mozart was 21 he wrote "Paris" Symphony, N31 while he was in Paris looking for a music position. He was thoroughly disenchanted with the French and their music"(Internet). From 1768 to 1775, between stays in Salzburg, he and Leopold made three further forays to Italy and Germany. Wolfgang evolved from a prodigy into a serious composer. Public Successes A self-confident Mozart assured his father in 1782 that he would be able to support a wife and family in Vienna, As a result which he called "Clavierland. Of its earlier devastation, the dominant architectural style in Vienna is Baroque, aided in the 1700s by an influx of Italian sculptors, stucco workers, and painters. The dominant architect and architectural historian was Italian-trained Johann Fischer von Erlach(1656-1723), whose densely decorated structures still stand out today." He planned to achieve this by writing music for the public: operas, symphonies, and concertos featuring himself as pianist. Although public performances were less frequent than today, they were for that reason on a more lavish scale. Of a set of piano concertos, Mozart
Monday, November 25, 2019
Is an internship to permanent position a sure thing
Is an internship to permanent position a sure thing What risks are you willing to take in your job search†¦? A few months ago, one of my clients (I’ll call him Adam) got a graphic design job he was very excited about. This job was at a company that works with government and military contracts (aptly for Memorial Day). It was officially an internship, but was guaranteed to convert to a full-time position after three months if the client performed well. At the same time as Adam got that offer, he also received an offer for an interview at another company. Adam chose to turn down the second interview and to accept the internship with the company he loved. I was thrilled for Adam, and also a little concerned. Was it a good idea for my client to stop his job search before receiving an actual full-time job offer? I expressed my concern but Adam was confident he had made the right choice. Question for thought What I like about the way Adam made this decision is that it shows clarity of purpose and a willingness to take risks in pursuit of what he loves. I also recognize that if he had been playing it safe, he would have gone on that interview and accepted an offer if extended by the second company, even though it would have meant leaving his internship early and breaking that agreement. What would you have done in Adam’s situation? Would you have taken a risk like that, turning down an interview when all you had was an internship and the promise of a job in three months? Job on the line Two and a half months later, Adam had been giving his all on the job and making a positive impression, he thought, on the company. But the next thing he knew, the promised job was eliminated. Adam called me in upset, distraught yet still hoping to convince the company to extend his internship. He was not willing to give up without a fight. What are your thoughts now? Do you think Adam made the right decision in accepting this position? Don’t go down without a fight Just a few days after his initial call to me, Adam called me again to tell me some good news: His externship was extended for six more months. What are your thoughts now? Did Adam make the right choice? From my perspective, he absolutely did. He showed his current company that they were without a doubt the company he wanted to work for. And in six months, he will have nine months of great experience to put on his resume and to bring to his next position. He will be more marketable to any company seeking a graphic designer, and perhaps his current company will value him enough that they will find a permanent place for him there. Or, perhaps the other company who offered him an interview might have a position available. Who knows what might be possible? One thing is for sure: Without a willingness to risk, and without a willingness to fight, Adam might not have a job at all. I am tremendously proud of his commitment and tenacity, and believe these traits are some of the most important qualities any job seeker, employee, or intern can bring to the table. Please share your thoughts on any part of this story in the Comments below. Category:Job SearchBy Brenda BernsteinMay 28, 2012
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Department of corrections case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Department of corrections - Case Study Example Objectives In order to go about upgrading the information systems one requirement is the identification of objectives of the department of corrections so as to determine what features will need to be included into the information system in order to achieve these objectives (Engdahl, 2010). There are a number of objectives held by this department, but the main one is the rehabilitation of convicted felons as well as the punishment of their crimes. Other objectives of the department include: †¢ Creating a safer environment for the citizens of the country by incarcerating those who project a danger to society and trying to convince them to change their ways. †¢ Providing a system that encourages the rehabilitation of the convicted felons through the inclusion of training and education programs that will provide them with skills and knowledge they can use to make a living after being released. †¢ Providing a safe environment for the felons themselves that will give them an opportunity to transform their ways during their period of incarceration (Engdahl, 2010). There are a number of measurements of accountability that can be utilized to rate the success of the department of corrections at achieving these objectives. ... The objective of creating a safer environment for members of the society and its success can be measured through studying the level of the crime rates in various regions of the country (Engdahl, 2010). A reduction in the crime rate will show that the department has managed to achieve this objective while an opposite direction will depict otherwise. The crime rate differs from region to region, but an overall perspective can also be used as a criterion of measurement. The measurement of the success of the department of corrections objective of providing a successful training and education program system can be done through follow up studies done on ex convicts who have been released (O'grady, 2011). The study can focus on whether the ex felon has been able to rebuild their life successfully and whether they used what they learned while serving their sentence. Though this may be potentially expensive to pull off, it is the most accurate way of determining the level of success of this p articular objective and the department can use volunteers who report to researchers after a period of time to reduce costs. In regard to the provision of a safe environment for the felons while in incarceration, the level of success of this objective can be determined through the observation of the level of prison crimes (that is, crimes committed by convicts within the prison) that are committed (Engdahl, 2010). A reduction in prison crimes will mean that the objective has been able to be attained. Considerations that will have to be factored into the equation include environmental with regard to the number of prisons and tactical dealing with the level of training of the prison personnel as this will affect the department’s ability to
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The civil war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
The civil war - Essay Example Then the South used slave labor as a mode of production. The invention of the cotton gin made cotton farming more profitable, making the South more reliant on slave labor and thereby further drawing a wedge between itself and the North. The North on the other hand gradually made a dereliction on agriculture and the countryside because of the Industrial Revolution. Factory work became more popular as New York, New Haven and Boston emerged as industrialized cities and thereby leading to mercantilism in the North’s economy. This economy was heavily reliant on the shipping industry and was more diverse, ethnically. This spurred technological advancements and emergence of new ideas, onwards. Constitutional convention At the time of the Revolution, two camps had emerged: those in favor of the federal government; and those in favor of the rights of the state. The US government had also been organized under the Articles of Confederation, after the American Revolution. As political and legal problems arose, the weakness of this type of government compelled leaders to assemble at the Constitutional Convention to secretly create the US Constitution. This development produced strong opposition from proponents of state rights like Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson, since they were absent in the meeting. Thomas Jefferson and his group felt that the new constitution undermined the right of the state to act independently, yet states should have the prerogatives of deciding the acceptance of certain federal acts. This development led to nullification, a legal provision whereby states would have to declare federal acts unconstitutional. The federal government denied these states these rights. Other proponents like John Calhoun fought relentlessly for nullification. When the clamor for nullification failed, some states felt that they were disrespected, and moved towards secession. This further created the rift between the North and South (Tindall and Shi, 72). Constitutio nal compromises Slavery as an institution was entrenched in America and its constitution, thereby bringing about critical problems to the 19th century US. Spates of compromises were made in the US Congress to stave off these problems, to hold the Union together, though every compromise4 brought about different problems. Free labor vs. slave labor While free labor solely depended on the will or consent of the slave to work, slave labor compelled the slave to work. Despite the responsibility that slave owner would take over the slave, there would be no guarantee that the slave would work for him in free labor settlement. For slave labor, there would be no reason for the slave not to work except sickness. Failure to work would readily invite punitive measures such as whipping and even death. The only alternatives for one providing slave labor would be escaping and/ or being set free. The issue of free labor vs. slave labor also threatened to split the South and North in that while the North supported free labor, the South supported slave labor. This disparity led to the emergence of Free and Slave states. 1820 Missouri Compromise The ideological rivalry over slavery between the North and South culminated into attempts at compromises. Particularly, the Missouri Compromise of 1820 became another way the North and Sou
Monday, November 18, 2019
Feminist Art Review of Cindy Sherman Self-Portrait Essay
Feminist Art Review of Cindy Sherman Self-Portrait - Essay Example Perhaps the most seminal artist operating in this cultural milieu is Cindy Sherman. Sherman’s art presents a multitude of perspectives on the self, interrogating identity, experience, and femininity in the postmodern world. This essay examines Sherman’s self-portrait Untitled Film Still 53 arguing that it presents a comprehensive response to mainstream perspectives on identity and actively resists the male gaze. Analysis While Cindy Sherman’s work almost exclusively explores conceptual portraits, her most notable collection is the Untitled Film Stills, 1977–1980. Within the context of this collection critics have divided the portraits into a variety of themes, still it’s clear that are a number of concerns that underline all these modes of representation. One of the most emblematic portraits of this collection is Sherman’s Untitled Film Still #53. From a strictly literal perspective, this work is a photographic portrait of Sherman wearing a b londe wig. Her eyes are slanted indifferently to the left. She is standing in front of a concrete wall that is blurred from view by the brightness of a light and photographic development techniques. While this portraiture presentation is ostensibly simplistic in meaning, further analysis reveals a number of deeper meanings. In deconstructing traditional representations of identity Sherman’s Untitled Film Still #53 resorts to one of the most pervasive constructors of identity – the cinema. Indeed, it’s been noted that in the, â€Å"early work by Cindy Sherman†¦she reconstructs the codes of the representation of femininity in cinema†(Jones, pg. 90). Within the context of this portrait one witnesses the co-optation of many elements of film noir cinema. In these regards, the low-key lighting and blurred focus are much in-line with this genre. While the photograph represents a recreation of this 1940s and 1950s aesthetic, the nature of it being a second- order representation is such that it leads individuals to question the nature of these early and mid-20th century forms of gender and identity construction. It’s noted that, â€Å"The intellectual woman looks and analyzes, and in usurping the gaze she poses a threat to an entire system of representation†(Jones, pg. 67). Such an understanding reveals perhaps the central meaning behind this specific portrait and Sherman’s larger body of work, namely that the artist has implemented conceptual portraits in a post-modern paradigm to interrogate previously held notions of truth and reality. Another prominent investigation of identity in this portrait is through interrogation of the male gaze. Feminist theory contains a strong emphasis on the representation of women in television and film, with Laura Mulvey’s the gaze a prominent area of consideration. Within Sherman’s portrait it’s clear she is exploring this feminist concern in a variety of ways . One prominent understanding, as is characteristic of Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills, is that, â€Å"Sherman has posed herself as embodied object, photographically frozen within gendered positions of vulnerability†(Jones, pg. 323). When one examines this within the outward representation of the photographic image, one of the major considerations is the mid-20th century costume and body language. Sherman’
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Railroad Westward Expansion from 1860 to 1890
Railroad Westward Expansion from 1860 to 1890 The history of America is grounded in the concepts of immigration, expansion, and economic empowerment. European settlers along the East Coast developed a new doctrine called the manifest destiny that would guide their path. This ideology posited that the United States was destined to expand across the continent, displacing the indigenous communities. The project to join the East and West Coast was pursued on different fronts. Development of the railroad network spearheaded the process as it opened up new lands, connected major cities, and also enabled agricultural and economic growth (Borneman 14). The railroad not only served as a means of transport but also marked the route for the dissemination of inventions, culture, and knowledge gained over the years. Although the railroad is mainly recognized for enabling agriculture, transport, and industrialization, it also played a significant role in facilitating administration. The settlers often faced violent resistance from the natives (Wolmar 18). In fact, several Red Indian communities openly attacked and even sabotaged settler activities to scatter the expansion. Thus, there was a need to set down rules of engagement (Wilhelm 40). The railroad played its role by opening up transportation into the interior allowing for the colonizers to establish administrative frameworks. Mapping out the rail routes also required collaboration with the native tribes. Therefore, settlers negotiated and signed treaties with native chiefs in their respective territories. For instance, the native tribes of Osage, Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Pawnee occupied the plains of Kansas, Colorado, and Nebraska. The government negotiated a battery of treaties largely dealing with the transfer of land either of settlement o r rail tracks. Famous ones include the Sturges Osage (1868) and Drum Creek Treaties among others (Wilhelm 46). After signing the agreements, administrative posts would be established mainly along the railroads. With time, the posts turned into settlements and small towns. These small rural towns served by the railroad attracted increasingly larger populations that transformed them into cultural hotspots and centers of learning (Hagger 29). Around the 1870s, Cincinnati and St. Louis had attracted a significant population including workers and farmers (PBS Map). Individuals from different cultural backgrounds mingled and interacted to form a unique culture. Various types of food, music, folklore, literature, language, dressing, farming, buildings, and relationships all combined to create the American identity. By 1890, over ten cities with populations of over 100, 000 people had emerged on the westward expansion route along the railway tracks (PBS Map). Cities also served by waterways experienced more rapid growth economically and population-wise (Borneman 191). With time, these cities and rail transport became core elements of the American identity. The westward expansion also tallied with increased agricultural and industrial inventions. Some of the key discoveries in the century included the reaper (invented 1831), the combine harvester (1834), and the steel plow (1837). These implements were essential to agriculture and allowed the expansion of the railroad to spread and disseminate the technology. For instance, the McCormicks reaper was bulky and required to be transported from Virginia where it was manually assembled into the farmlands located further westward in the states of Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, and Ohio (Borneman 119). Railroads offered the best method to transport them. Increased agricultural output resulting from the enhanced technology further increased transportation needs. Laying rail tracks was considerably cheaper than digging out roads and or water canals (Wolmar 14). As such, inventions and railroads had a mutual relationship in that the new creations distributed by the railroad further increase d demand for transportation. Furthermore, increased agricultural production spurred invention of more efficient industrial processes to serve the growing masses. This necessitated the railroad to connect not only major farming areas that supplied raw materials but also industrial cities. Many industries in the food processing sector would emerge driven by inventions in that direction. The mass production of steel, glass and other products stimulated other industries. For instance, availability of steel allowed for new approaches in architectural designs, more so, in multi-story buildings. Buildings such as the Trinity Church in Boston and the Philadelphia City Hall were designed and constructed in the 1870s. The railroads allowed for convenient transportations of construction materials such as steel and bricks. Consequently, inventions in the architectural industry and building and construction would follow the rail tracks westward. Although New York introduced the skyscrapers, the invention would be mastered in Chicago in the 1880s and 90s led by pioneer architects such as William L. Jenney (1832-1907) and Daniel H. Burnham (1846-1912) at the Chicago College of Architecture and the Arts (Hagger 101). As the rail extended further westward, so did the skyscraper design. By 1890s, other cities such as St Louis and San Francisco had their skyscrapers as the railroad connected the East and West Coasts. To summarize, one can say that the railroad has played an integral part in the growth of America. Specifically, between 1869 and 1890, it hastened the westward expansion that allowed the creation of more settlements in the Midwestern plains all through to the West Coast. The rail route also served a significant role in designating administrative posts and even urban settlements that later evolved into the major cities. The majority of the factors that make America what it is today including technology, democracy, and a vibrant culture can all be linked to the railroad network created by the westward expansion policy. Word count: 870 Works Cited Borneman, Walter, Iron Horses: Americas Race to Bring the Railroads West. New York: Little Borneman. 2014. Print. Retrieved from Hagger, Nicholas, The Secret American Dream: The Creation of a New World Order with the Power to Abolish War, Poverty, and Disease. New York: Duncan Baird. 2013. Print. PBS Map, Westward Expansion 1860-1890. WGBH Educational Foundation. 2010. Accessed. 23 Feb. 2017. Wilhelm, Robert, The Bloody Century: True Tales of Murder in 19th Century America. Night Stick Press. 2014. Print. Wolmar, Christian, The Great Railroad Revolution: The History of Trains in America. New York: Public Affairs. 2013. Print.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Financial Services Essay -- Industry Body Finances Essays
Financial Services Introduction to Financial Services 1.0Financial Services is a growing industry, which provides for the financial needs of individual consumers and businesses. This unit explores the needs of and products available for both the consumers and businesses. The term financial service covers a wide range of products including accounts for depositing money, loans, savings and investments, pension and financial advice. Financial Services for individual consumers are available from banks, building societies and also from organizations such as supermarkets and insurance companies, over the counter, by telephone or over the Internet. Businesses have financial needs when they start up, expand and carry on day-to-day business activities. These needs include financing, insurance, bookkeeping, payment services, investment and general financial advice. A variety of financial institutions can provide these services banks, insurance and investment companies and firms of accountants. In this assignment I will produce a report which analyses the financial needs of three different types of customers and investigate the ways in which these needs can be satisfied by a range of financial service providers. Two of the customers are personal customers of contrasting types. In this case I will be talking about a graduate from university and parents of two children. I will estimate their likely expenditure and income in the form of a personal budget. In the 2nd task I will recommend how those needs can be met and from which type of financial institution (an assessment of the cost, returns, risks and benefits of the products). To: Business Studies Department of S.G.M Ref: 1122 From: Demet Gocer Date: 02/11/04 Title: Analysis of financial needs of a graduate from university and a married couple both employed with children. 1.0 Terms of Reference On Monday 7th September 2004 , I was asked to write a report on financial services by the business studies department. This report is written by Demet Gocer, and is based on an analysis of two customers, and an estimate of their likely income and expenditure, in a form of a cash-flow forecast, and an assessment of their financial needs, I also need to identify the financial service needs of a business, and explaining how the size of an organization can be a signi... ...eeds to be changed or withdrawn. Supply of goods and services act This act involves the supply of services, including those for the supply of financial services. The following are included in the contract: - The services will be performed with reasonable care - The work will be done within a reasonable time - A reasonable charge will be made Reasons for legislations: In general terms legislation in this area is intended to: - Protect those with weaker bargaining power, e.g. employees in a large firm or small firms negotiating with a large powerful trade union - Ensure that all UK firms meet the needs of customers in a cost effective way which will lead to international competitiveness There are plenty of regulations and laws that aim to protect the public when they are buying or using financial products or services, they are mostly formulated by particular industry bodies, an industry body is not a government regulator, but a group which represents similar kinds of business (e.g banks, or mortgage lenders) Therefore customers know that if they deal with a business that is a member of that body, they will be treated in a particular way.
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