Sunday, August 23, 2020
That Dark Type is Called Boldface
That Dark Type is Called Boldface That Dark Type is Called Boldface That Dark Type is Called Boldface By Maeve Maddox In looking at style manuals, I went over these directions: Never underline content. In the event that you have to point out specific words, use body duplicate that is bolded or italic. St Anselm style manage Bolded? We talk about italic kind, serif type, and sanserif type. Whats amiss with boldface? Its not as though bolded spares any syllables. Use body duplicate that is boldface or italic. Obviously bolded is crawling into utilization: This is a conversation on Compressing bolded type inside the Adobe Acrobat gatherings in Adobe Tools classification; Notice the bolded type sandwiched between lighter weight typefaces. a lighter blue that might be decipherable in the event that you consolidate it with a bigger text dimension or if nothing else as in this model a bolded type Then again, not every person has decided on that appalling new kid on the block: A solitary syllable or letter in boldface type in the stems denotes the situation of the complement all through this language. Utilize the word â€Å"Abstract†as the title, in 12-point Times, boldface type, focused comparative with the section, Creators names in boldface type, subjects or titles in lightface type. Bolded undoubtedly. Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Expressions class, check our mainstream posts, or pick a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionWriting Styles (with Examples)
Friday, August 21, 2020
Input Prices and R&D Allocations Analysis for Tablet Development Corp Research Paper
Info Prices and R&D Allocations Analysis for Tablet Development Corp - Research Paper Example In any case, there are significant downsides in the current cost and R&D spending assignment methodologies that have sabotaged the new item advancement cycle in the association. So as to get an unrest the current strategic approaches of the organization, it is significant that another valuing methodology is contrived that depends on the key destinations of every item exclusively. Moreover, the choices for the designation of assets for the Research and Development (R&D) of every item ought to be taken independently and on yearly premise to accomplish the ideal destinations of the item and the organization. 1.1 Aim The point of this report is to examine the new estimating and R&D allotment technique for the center items X5, X6 and X7 and to think about the resulting execution of every item accordingly. 1.2 Objectives To contemplate the new evaluating choices and R&D spending distributions for each center item, in particular: X5, X6 and X7 taken in 4 years (for example f rom 2012-2015). To dissect the resulting execution and life patterns of every item because of the distinction in the choices. To audit the money related execution of every item and their effect available factor like buyers and market immersion. To finish up with the unequivocal distinction in execution and the method of reasoning behind the all out score accomplished. 2 Development of Pricing and R&D Allocation Strategy 2.1 Pricing Strategy The evaluating procedure is to a great extent utilized as the serious power for the organizations to accomplish most extreme piece of the overall industry in a specific commercial center. For example, Apple Inc. utilizes the low-estimating methodology alongside its imaginative item index to draw in biggest client portion of the worldwide commercial center. In the investigation led in 2010, Blevins, Cunningham, Ivanova, Koke and Sullivan (2010) found that Apple Inc. has embraced a worldwide value dispersion system to accomplish upper hand over its rivals; primarily the Microsoft. In such manner, it has a different value technique for every area which is united and focal in nature. In like manner, Tablet Development Corp.’s biggest contenders are Acer, Apple, Samsung and Microsoft that are associated with the creation and assembling of tablet PCs and applications. So as to go into the built up commercial center, Tablet Development Corp. needs to attempt the entrance estimating procedure. An entrance valuing system is utilized when the organization needs to go into a set up commercial center and to draw in the market in a significant way through low-estimating methods. Inevitably, the costs of the item are bit by bit expanded with a solid spotlight on the item execution that is estimated through the client base and deals volume of every year. In the year 2012, the cost of item X5 was set at the least conceivable cost of $180 and it was expanded by $5 consistently. So also, the cost of X6 was set at $300 just and was expanded by $10 every year. The cost of X7 was kept at $50 and is expanded by $10 every year (See Annex 1). 2.2 R&D Budget Allocation Strategy Wind (1990) proposed that there are four motivations behind R&D speculation, to be specific: (1) Support and upgrade of existing items and administrations, (2) Line expansion of existing items and administrations, (3) Discover new items and markets, and (4) Develop new items and administrations and market portfolios. The initial two R&D exercises are indispensable to keep the current item inventory of the organization operational and flourishing. This is an obligatory venture which differs
Friday, July 10, 2020
Reading Analysis Essay Samples
Reading Analysis Essay SamplesIf you are considering an essay writing program to help you increase your grade, then it is important to know that there are several programs out there that provide reading analysis essay samples. In most cases, these essays will have small print at the bottom of the page telling you the exact passages to look for on the book's back cover or on the websites it is affiliated with. However, some students might find that the reading essays from the reading analysis course that they are taking actually give them the correct advice when it comes to the essay components.So what exactly does a reading analysis essay sample consist of? It is most likely just a synopsis of the book's content and a short essay on that subject. But this does not mean that you should cut corners in order to get this material as it may cost you more money and more time in the end.What you will need to remember is that reading analysis essay samples are not all written by the same aut hors and their methods and principles are not always consistent. So while you are looking for a program to get them, it is important to research who wrote the book as well as the particular reading study guide that you will be using. The one thing you must remember is that you want to ensure that you are being given the proper reading essay material for the level that you need to be focusing on. Many students make the mistake of relying too much on their professors' assignments when it comes to getting a good reading study guide.This can lead to a situation where you end up reading many different reading analysis essays in order to work on the material that you need to. You will probably even notice that your grades can go down because you will find yourself sitting at the same table as other students and your grades will not reflect the fact that you are getting the right information. In order to avoid this, you will want to make sure that you choose a program that provides you wit h reading analysis essay samples.When you make a decision to get a program that offers reading analysis essay samples, you should ensure that it has several different programs, so that you can do it over again in order to improve your writing skills. When you work with a program that has several reading analysis essays, you will be able to take the materials with you when you leave the classroom in order to repeat the exercises.While this is important, you should make sure that the reading programs that you choose have a large selection of topics that you can choose from. You should also be able to see how well you are doing compared to other students at your school and you should feel like you are in a safe environment in which to work with.One last thing that you will want to keep in mind is that you will not want to rely on the information that you get from the reading analysis program just because it is one of the ones that you think you might like. While this is a very good thi ng in many cases, you should try to do some more research on each program that you select to insure that you are not spending your money on ineffective programs.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Fight Essay - 1059 Words
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s Fight Throughout history there have been times when citizens have had the need, as well as the responsibility, to violate certain societal rules/laws in order to protest against unjust treatment and bring about social or political change. It began as early as Socrates, who disobeyed an unjust decree against teaching his ideas, which led to his being condemned to death; Mahatma Gandhi’s fight against British rule over India; and Rosa Parks refusal to give up her seat on the city bus to make room for more white people, which led to her arrest, followed by the Montgomery Bus Boycott which ultimately led to the desegregation of public buses. The most famous of all cases, however, was the leader of the Civil†¦show more content†¦In order to understand this, I will clarify what is meant by the â€Å"social contract.†The â€Å"social contract†is a type of unwritten agreement in which everyone in a particular society participates and agrees to live together under common â€Å"rules†. The â€Å"rules†are â€Å"those principles to which social arrangements must conform†¦which all rational men would agree to†(RTD, Rachels 292). There must also be the establishment of a government, with a â€Å"system of laws, police, and courts†¦with the power necessary to enforce those rules†(EMP, Rachels 144). Under this agreement, every citizen should benefit equally in return for accepting certain burdens equally. This, on its face, is exactly what Dr. King and his followers were arguing; that they were not granted the rights to which they were promised; the rights due them; the rights given to others. When blacks demonstrated by civil disobedience, they were essentially asking to be treated like every other citizen. This is a classic illustration of justified disobedience: Dr. King and his followers refused to obey racially discriminating laws because they believed them to be so unfair, they no longer felt obligated to obey them. Dr. King was leading the fight against a system that saw his people as second class citizens; a society that would â€Å"lynch your mothers and fathers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim†(EMP, RachelsShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Jr Essay1299 Words  | 6 PagesWhy was Martin Luther King Jr. such an inspiration to African Americans in America? Martin Luther King Jr. was an American minister, Civil Rights leader, and activist who had a strong belief in nonviolent protests (; Martin Luther King Jr.). 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Whereas, Malcolm x was arrested for burglary while trying to pick up a stolen watch he had left for repairs at a jewelry shop. The fight for civil right was taken in the 1960s, where racism was a problem. Whites discriminated blacks because they thought they werent equal to them. This is where Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X come
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Physical Education Most Underrated Class There Is
Most Underrated Class There Is? Physical Education is essential in a students daily schedule. Physical education is not only needed physically for teens and children, but also so students can achieve better academically. The longer that they are forced to sit in a chair and learn all day, their learning rate decreases. Research has shown that physical education is essential to keeping students healthy and giving their mind a break throughout the day. Theres many ways that P.E. can benefit children and they are all important to a student’s daily life. The first reason for why it helps students is that it is proven to help students achieve better in their core classes. Also, it keeps them physically fit and a healthy weight. Our†¦show more content†¦The classes also make students want to perform better than the other students in their class which then carries over to the core classes. The reason that the classes want to be taken out is because the government officials wanted students do take ot her classes because they don’t think that the classes actually teach you anything, but in reality when it helps you strive and produce better results in you important classes, it’s a better solution for the long run. â€Å"Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong†(Kennedy, John F., New Hope-Solebury Upper Elementary School). From the former president, he states on how being fit correlates with being intelligent. Gym classes also help almost all students get an easy A to help out their GPA and give them a break from their tough core classes. The benefits of being in a physical education at least once a day outweighs the benefits of being in a classroom for that extended period of time. Considering that the recommended time that a student should exercise is 60 minutes a day, if they don’t even give students do do that in school aren’t they not supporting their own cause. With a ll the schoolwork that the smart students get swamped with every day, most of the days sixty minutes of exercise is hard to come up with. Not only does the exercise help the body, but it improves the mind as well (Exercise and AcademicShow MoreRelatedA Child s Silent Killer1266 Words  | 6 Pagescontinues to grow. Why? When asked to present a problem and a solution, what bigger a problem and easier a solution than the underrated concern of childhood obesity in the United States. Childhood obesity is a serious, life threatening and growing medical concern in the U.S. today which can be prevented by educating parents, and implementing healthy eating habits as well as physical activity in schools. Childhood obesity is a growing health concern in the United States today. 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Safeguarding the Welfare of Children and Young People Essay Sample free essay sample
List the statute law. guidelines and policies for safeguarding the public assistance of kids and immature people including safety †¢ The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 – The UNCRC was put into topographic point in 189 and ratified by the UK in 1991. This includes 54 articles. †¢ The Education Act 2002 – These Acts of the Apostless are updated with each matching twelvemonth. †¢ Children Act 2004 and 2006 – The 2004 act came along the Every Child Matters Act and had a immense impact in the manner which schools address issues or attention. public assistance and subject. There are 5 chief results for children/young people under Every Child Matters which are ; Be healthy. remain safe. Enjoy and achieve. Make a positive part. Achieve economic well being †¢ The Freedom of Information Act – This act was brought into topographic point in 2005 to advance transparence and answerability in the populace sector and is to the full retrospective. †¢ The Human Rights Act 1998 – ‘It is improper for a public authorization to move in a manner which is incompatible with a convention right’ . †¢ The Particular Education Needs ( SEN ) Code of Practice 2001 and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995/2005 – Under this pattern parents and SEN kids have had increased rights to mainstream instruction and besides kids who have particular educational demands are been included more into mainstream schools and the single support helpers who work along side them. †¢ The Data Protection Act 1998 – This Act means that the school can merely utilize and maintain information for the intent which it was intended and merely people who are authorised to hold it may see it. Describe the functions of the different bureaus involved in safeguarding There are many bureaus available in which are involved with safeguarding ; †¢ Social Services: Are at that place to offer support to both the kid and the scene. Social services have the powers to look into any suspected improper behaviour from carers. kids or the scene. †¢ Child Protection Investigation Unit ( CPIU ) : This unit is run by the constabulary who have the powers to look into. interview and collar anyone suspected of mistreating a kid. †¢ Health Visitors: A Health Visitor can sometimes be the first individual to descry maltreatment. particularly physical. Health Visitors have a responsibility of attention to mention such information to Social Services. †¢ School Nurse: A School Nurse can sometimes be the first individual to descry maltreatment. particularly physical. School Nurse has a responsibility of attention to mention such information to Social Services. †¢ The Police: The Police have the powers to look into. interview and collar anyone suspected of mistreating a kid. Quite frequently they will inquire the CPIU to look into straight and besides inform Social Services. †¢ NSPCC: Information can be passed anonymously to the NSPCC. If taken earnestly the NSPCC have a responsibility of attention to mention such information to Social Services. †¢ OFSTED: If there are inquiries about patterns within the puting so OFSTED may be asked to look into further. †¢ Health Professionals- GP’s. nurses. accoucheuses and physicians in exigency sections may analyze kids with hurts which they may anticipate to be non- inadvertent. They have a responsibility to alarm societal services Identify the features of different types of kid maltreatment Physical†¢ Unexplained Markss on the organic structure. e. g. Burnss. scalds. contusions. breaks†¢ Bite Markss†¢ Abrasions/bruising around the oral cavity†¢ Marks on the organic structure demoing implements†¢ Substance miss-use†¢ Strange alibis†¢ Shown through role-play/drawings†¢ Soling themselves †¢ Self injury†¢ Eating upsets†¢ Panic of been left in the attention of a certain individual or certain sex†¢ Runing off from place†¢ Not desiring to acquire changed for PE†¢ Withdrawn/aggressive behaviour Emotional Maltreatment†¢ Speech upsets†¢ Delay in physical or emotional development†¢ Poor concentration†¢ Self-harming behaviour†¢ Substance miss-use†¢ Low self-pride†¢ Trouble in doing friends†¢ Over reaction to a job or a error†¢ Attention seeking†¢ Rocking/thumb sucking/hair writhing†¢ Shown through role-play/drawings†¢ Lack of trust amongst grownups Sexual Maltreatment†¢ ‘Love bites’†¢ Unexplained pregnancy’s†¢ Trouble in speaking or sitting†¢ Sleep jobs†¢ Stomach jobs†¢ Vaginal bleeding/discharge†¢ Self harming†¢ Withdrawn or confused†¢ Been really close†¢ Eating upsets†¢ Unexplained gifts†¢ Soling themselves†¢ STI’s Disregard†¢ Hungry†¢ Trouble in doing friends†¢ Lateness/poor school attending†¢ Untreated wellness jobs†¢ Fatigue†¢ Poor hygiene†¢ Frequent illness’s†¢ Poor development†¢ Under or over weight†¢ No dinner money or pack up if non free repasts Describe the possible hazards and effects for kids utilizing the cyberspace and nomadic phones InternetHazards†¢ Sexual maltreatment†¢ Emotional maltreatment†¢ Giving out personal information about themselves†¢ Accessing inappropriate information†¢ Cyber intimidation Consequences†¢ Child been groomed†¢ Children been encourage to fall in in conversations which are sexual in nature†¢ Taking and administering exposures utilizing the cyberspace†¢ Children perpetrating suicide/self harming Mobile phonesHazards†¢ Sexting†¢ Strong-arming†¢ entree to unsuitable sites†¢ Lured into giving personal information ; name. age. reference and telephone Numberss which could be used for individuality larceny or fraud. †¢ Young people besides use nomadic phones to direct images of themselves to their friends or print them on the cyberspace Consequences†¢ Identity larceny or fraud†¢ Children’s exposure may be used in contexts other than what it was originally intended for †¢ Children with their phones on show may be mugged or have it stolen off them Describe actions to take in response to grounds or concerns that a kid has been abused. harmed ( including self injury ) or bullied. or may be at hazard of injury. maltreatment or intimidation As a instruction helper or larning support helper you will construct relationships with kids in your school. even more so if you work on a one to one footing. you are likely to be the individual in which a kid would swear and experience comfy with to open up about something. If a kid was to open up you it is of import to take the right stairss in response to this. You have a statutory responsibility to describe concerns under the Education Act 2002. You must ever describe any concerns about any alterations in behaviour to the designated individual or director. do certain when a child/young individual is opening up to you about a subject you must take them earnestly as it will hold took them a batch of bravery to state you and kids really seldom lie about a subject such as maltreatment. ever reassure the child/ren that they are non to fault for the maltreatment or for stating you. It is besides of import that you tell the kid that you can non maintain a secret and you may necessitate to state another individual about this and compose everything down. what was seen/heard/told. when and where. the clip and what you did so you have back up and besides so you can follow up on the affair. but do certain you maintain this information secure. safe and private. Describe the actions to take in response to concerns that a co-worker may be -failing to follow with safeguarding processsIf a college was neglecting to follow with safeguarding processs I would describe it to the designated individual for safeguarding or to the caput instructor. I would besides take a note of this with when it happened the clip and what happened for future mention and so would follow it up and maintain a close oculus. -harming. mistreating or strong-arming a kid or immature individual If I had concerns that a college may be harming. mistreating or strong-arming a immature individual I would instantly describe this to the caput instructor. If the allegations were about the caput instructor I would so describe my concerns to the designated individual for kid protection or heterosexual to the instruction authorization. My first precedence would ever be the kid. Describe the rules and boundaries of confidentiality. and when to portion information. Confidentiality is really of import in schools. The rules and boundaries of confidentiality are to make with safeguarding kids and immature people. The chief ground for holding confidentiality is to keep positive. supportive. respectful relationships with kids and immature people that recognises each individual’s right to privacy. their right to protection and their right to free look. This could be done by happening quiet less public countries for discoursing information. guaranting information given within a puting isn’t repeated outside of the puting for less professional grounds. everyone connected with a puting understands how sharing information associating to safeguarding is valued. A boundary of confidentiality is that it isn’t ever appropriate/safe to maintain information confidential where there may be a hazard of injury to a kid or immature individual. Undertaking 2Illness and symptoms Recommended clip to be kept of school and Comments intervention Chicken Pox Five yearss after oncoming of roseola. It is non necessary to maintain the kid of Fever. itching. spots Schools ain policy. school until all the musca volitanss have Treat with calamine lotion to live over disappeared. The spots clear 5- yearss after rubing. on-set of roseola. German measles 6 yearss after onset with of roseola. The kid is more infective before Swollen secretory organs. runny nose. red/pink roseola. Dainty by resting. You can set a bowl of diagnosing. Keep them off from pregnant febrility. sore throat H2O in room to raise humidness. adult females. Impetigo When lesions are crusted or healed. Antibiotic pick may rush up mending. Wash Cracking tegument. lesions. crying. blisters. Dainty with medical specialty or antibiotic pick. ands good after touching the child’s tegument inflammation as impetigo is contagious. Ringworm None. but some may prefer to ret urn to Treat with anti-fungal unction ; it may Raised ring. ruddy roseola. handbill in form school when intervention has started. necessitate antibiotics. Do non portion towels flannels etc. Diarroea and purging 24-48 hours after last episode of diarroea There is no specific diagnosing or intervention Cramps. tummy hurting. desiccation. sicknessor purging although drink plentifulness of clear fluids and no milk. Conjunctivitis No clip is need off school although some GP may order antibiotics. Infection in oculus. allergic reaction. annoyance. schools may hold different policies on Do non portion towels flannels etc. this. Bathe oculus with a cotton wool swab dipped in warm H2O. you can purchase lubricant oculus beads from over the counter. Measles Five yearss after oncoming of roseola. This is now more likely down to parents Rash starts with little musca volitanss that get Give remainder. plentifulness of fluids and paracetamolrefusing the MMR vaccination bigger and frequently fall in together. high for febrility. fever/temp. Rash appears 2-4 yearss after other symptoms. Meningitis Get pressing medical attending. It is treatedIt can ho ld terrible complications and be with antibiotics fatal. When do kids necessitate pressing medical attending?Children may necessitate medical attending in any of the undermentioned fortunes ; †¢ An unfastened lesion that won’t halt hemorrhage or where the blood is pumping out. †¢ Burns or scalds to the child’s tegument †¢ Meningitis symptoms such as a stiff cervix. febrility. concern and a roseola that doesn’t slice when pressed by a glass. †¢ Confusion. concern. purging or blurred vision after a head hurt. †¢ Being floppy. unresponsive or unconscious. †¢ Difficulty external respiration and blueness around the lips.†¢ Suspected breaks†¢ Choking†¢ Taken drugs/substances†¢ Head hurtsDescribe the actions to take in response to exigency state of affairss including -FiresAll schools are required to hold a wellness and safety policy and should give guidelines for exigency processs and you should do certain you are to the full cognizant of these. The school should hold pattern fire drills on a regular basis at different times of the twenty-four hours so that all grownups and kids aware of what to make at wherever they may be on the school premises for illustration. lunch periods so all tiffin supervisors are present. or breakfast nine clip as they may be different staff on site and the kids may be in a different portion of the school. All children/adults should be cognizant of all fire issues and they should neer be blocked or made difficult to open. All children/adults must be made cognizant of fire dismaies and how to put one off if needed. All fire drills and edifice emptying patterns must be recorded and displayed and all grownups should cognize precisely what their function is and were to assemble students. -Security incidentsSecurity covers all facets of the school. Any one entrance or go forthing the school should subscribe in and be identified before come ining. visitants should be issued with a badge so it is clear to any other adult/young individual that they are visitants. the school should hold secure entry and issue points. If their was anybody in the school unidentified you should dispute them immediately and the same if you were on responsibility outside the school and you noticed anything leery you should besides direct for aid. Visitors should be escorted to their designated point. -Missing kids It is highly rare for kids to travel losing while under school supervising but if a kid was to travel losing under any circumstance you should raise the dismay instantly. You should inform all staff nowadays. make a cheque of the registry to guarantee all the other kids are present and safe. look intoing all other countries and evidences of the school. and reach the child’s parents to see if they have gone place so if needed call the constabulary. This could go on more on school trips for illustration in which you should regularly look into your group of kids for who you are responsible for every bit good as maintaining an oculus our for kids who may be supervised by assistants. You could besides set high visible or fluorescent bibs on the kids so they stand out.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The magic and illusion Essay Example
The magic and illusion Essay Prospero has a servant in the form of the spirit Ariel. Ariel has lots of special powers himself. He can be invisible and cause lots of apparitions to take place. Sometimes, Ariel is visible to everyone on the stage. Obviously, the audience can see him whenever he appears on stage, but during certain times in the play, he is invisible to different people. To show this in the 17th century would have been very hard. Clues have to be taken from the script which suggests when Ariel was invisible to certain people. Another way of learning when he is visible to different people is to study the way in which he speaks. If he speaks to someone directly, he will normally be visible to them. If he speaks to the audience rather than to the person, he is invisible. A 17th century audience would have to bear this in mind when watching the play. Being very superstitious, they would understand, however, that spirits only appear to certain people at certain times, so it would not be too hard for them to take this on board. An example of Ariel being invisible to only a section of the actors on the stage is in Act 1 Scene 2, when Ariel sings an enchanting song to Ferdinand, luring him to meet Miranda. We will write a custom essay sample on The magic and illusion specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The magic and illusion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The magic and illusion specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Neither Miranda nor Ferdinand can see the spirit, but Prospero can, and he talks to Ariel, promising to set him free. In Act 3 Scene 3, Prospero conjures up a banquet for Alonso and the rest of the royal party. Just as the members of the party prepare to eat, the banquet disappears. This would have been very difficult to show in the 17th century. I cannot think of any way 17th century actors would have been able to show this, apart from standing the banquet table on a trap door and then releasing the trap door. This is not a perfect way of showing the table disappear, but it is the only way I can think of showing it in 17th century theatre. Towards the end of the play, a lot is said about Gods of the Ancient Romans, particularly Juno, Ceres and Iris. In most Jacobean masques, there was a lot of emphasis on classical mythology. Prosperos masque is no different. Audiences in 17th century England would have a basic knowledge of Ancient Roman and Greek gods. They would know the names of the gods and what they stood for. Before the masque, Ariel appeared as a harpy to Alonso and his friends. A harpy was part of ancient mythology. A 17th century audience would take the events in The Tempest as gospel. They believed in witchcraft and spirits. The Tempest was all about these things, so the people just took it as a play which included, and may have been based on, real incidents. The inclusion of Caliban within the play gives an insight into 17th century travel. America was a relatively new country as far as Europe was concerned. Europeans considered themselves civilised. When they encountered a new race of people, they were considered uncivilised and savage. This is emphasised in Caliban, who is shown as a monster. He is ridiculed by Prospero an educated and civilised Duke, and when Trinculo discovers him, he considers taking him back to Italy as a sort of freak-show. Were I in England and had but this fish painted, not a holiday fool there but would give a piece of silver: there would this monster make a man; any strange beast there makes a man: when they will not give a doit to relieve a lame beggar, they will lay out ten to see a dead Indian. Europeans did not understand the new race of people that they had found, and because they were different, they were considered dangerous. In the play it is said that Calibans mother was a witch. This adds to the bad attitude of the Europeans to the Native Americans. The Tempest is based around Italy, but Shakespeare still refers to the Englishs attitude towards foreigners, by making Trinculo talk about what it would be like if he were in England. He does not just mention any country in Europe he mentions England. Maybe this is because Shakespeare did not have any knowledge of other European countries attitudes, or perhaps he just thought England was the worst in this way. Things are very different in the 21st century. We no longer believe in superstitions such as witches and evil spirits. There is always the odd person who holds onto old beliefs, but generally, we are rid of those superstitions. Science and mathematics can explain most things that happen. For a world that no longer believes in witches and monsters, we still have a lot to do with these things. We read horror books about beings coming back from the dead; we still celebrate Halloween; we watch films of vampires and witches. In the 17th century, these things would have been taken very seriously. Nowadays, however, it is only for fun that we do these things. Shakespeares plays are still watched the world over, the same plays that were watched when he first wrote them. They have not been changed and so still contain wizards, witches, monsters and spirits within them. However, modern-day directors have to find a way of presenting these magical creatures to a modern-day audience without them appearing comical. As part of the play, the characters must be taken reasonably seriously so that the story can be appreciated. 21st century audiences expect more from a play than they would have done 300 years ago, even if the play were written that long ago. Although modern directors have a somewhat harder task than their 17th century counterparts, they have technology on their side. Technology has increased magnificently since The Tempest was first performed, and this enables directors to create more spectacular special effects. Electricity plays a massive part in these effects. With the use of electricity, different lighting can easily be used for different scenes, to create different atmospheres. The first major part of the play takes place on the ship during the storm. More elegant scenery can be used to create the impression that the actors are indeed on a ship. Special lighting used alongside sound effects, can be used to give the impression of sailing on the sea. Thunder and lighting can be heard in the distance with the aid of a sound recorder. Prospero has a lot of powers. As well as controlling the elements, he has power over human beings. After telling Miranda the story of how they arrived to be on the island, Prospero wishes to talk to Ariel. Miranda does not know of the existence of Ariel, so before he talks to his servant, Prospero sends her to sleep. He does this by making her sit on his magic cloak, and then by a sort of hypnosis, she falls asleep. This act of magic does not require any special effects. All it needs is good acting by the actors playing Miranda and Ferdinand for the audience to believe that it is happening. A lot of the magic events that take place in the Tempest are similar to the one above. Many do not need special effects, and just rely on the talents of the actors. When Prospero freezes Ferdinand, all the actor playing Ferdinand has to do is simply stand still. After the storm, the next magic event that would require some thought would be when Ariel sings a song to Ferdinand about his father. Ariel at this time is invisible to Ferdinand. To make this clear to the audience, Ariel could be suspended by some wires above Ferdinand, so he cannot see the spirit. Alternatively, only Ariels voice could be heard, so it is clear that the spirit cannot be seen. This trick could be used when Ariel overhears Sebastian and Antonio plotting to kill Alonso. He could hover above the traitors in the same way that he did when luring Ferdinand to Miranda. When he sends the group to sleep, he could sprinkle some glitter or some kind of dust over them. That way, it is visible to the audience that something is going on. The main acts of magic are the banquet, the masque and Ariel appearing as a harpy. The banquet and the harpy incident could be shown by the same method. Both are illusions that disappear after being seen by Alonsos group. Both these incidents could be shown by holograms, which could be projected from the back of the theatre onto the stage. Advanced computer imaging could make it seem as if the harpy was talking, then the hologram could simply disappear, making it seem as if the objects were actually on the stage and have vanished. Despite what the audience believes outside a theatre, once inside, they are usually willing to believe anything as long as it makes good theatre. Most people will let go of their normal beliefs if it means that they will enjoy the show more. Directors have to keep this in mind. Maybe the audience will not believe in spirits and witches in everyday life, but if a play they are watching contains these things, they will accept them, as long as they are made reasonably believeable. For a play to be successful, a director has to make sure that the illusions and magic are portrayed as realistically as possible and the audience can believe for a while that these things are real.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Free Essays on Violence In The Media
â€Å"Monkey see, monkey do†has become a well-known saying in today’s modern, media-warped society, but is it correct? What has the world come to these days? It often seems like that everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these, our homes, is a major source of violence. In many living rooms, there sits an outlet for violence that often goes unnoticed. It is the television. The people who view it are often pulled into its realistic world of violent scenes with sometimes devastating results. Much research has gone into showing why our society is so mesmerized by this glowing box and the action that takes place within it. Only a mere sixty years ago the invention of the television was viewed as a technological breakthrough with black and white ghost-like figures on the screen so small, hardly anyone could see them. Today that curiosity has become a constant companion to 90% of the American population (Sherrow 26), mainly, children and teenagers. Unfortunately, it is these violent programs that are endangering our present-day society. Violent images on television, as well as in the movies, have inspired people to set spouses on fire in their beds, lie down in the middle of highways, extort money by placing bombs in airplanes, rape, steal, murder, and commit numerous other shootings and assaults. (Brown 78) Most of what is broadcast or transmitted, even in the news, today is with reference to the chaotic condition of our planet. The more atrocious the event, the more publicity it receives. â€Å"The average American child will witness†¦200,000 acts of media violence by the time that child graduates from high school.†(Sherrow 6) â€Å"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders,†James Baldwin wrote in Nobody Knows my Name. â€Å"But they have never failed to imitate them.†(Sherrow 56) This basic truth has all bu... Free Essays on Violence In The Media Free Essays on Violence In The Media â€Å"Monkey see, monkey do†has become a well-known saying in today’s modern, media-warped society, but is it correct? What has the world come to these days? It often seems like that everywhere one looks, violence rears its ugly head. We see it in the streets, back alleys, school, and even at home. The last of these, our homes, is a major source of violence. In many living rooms, there sits an outlet for violence that often goes unnoticed. It is the television. The people who view it are often pulled into its realistic world of violent scenes with sometimes devastating results. Much research has gone into showing why our society is so mesmerized by this glowing box and the action that takes place within it. Only a mere sixty years ago the invention of the television was viewed as a technological breakthrough with black and white ghost-like figures on the screen so small, hardly anyone could see them. Today that curiosity has become a constant companion to 90% of the American population (Sherrow 26), mainly, children and teenagers. Unfortunately, it is these violent programs that are endangering our present-day society. Violent images on television, as well as in the movies, have inspired people to set spouses on fire in their beds, lie down in the middle of highways, extort money by placing bombs in airplanes, rape, steal, murder, and commit numerous other shootings and assaults. (Brown 78) Most of what is broadcast or transmitted, even in the news, today is with reference to the chaotic condition of our planet. The more atrocious the event, the more publicity it receives. â€Å"The average American child will witness†¦200,000 acts of media violence by the time that child graduates from high school.†(Sherrow 6) â€Å"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders,†James Baldwin wrote in Nobody Knows my Name. â€Å"But they have never failed to imitate them.†(Sherrow 56) This basic truth has all bu... Free Essays on Violence In The Media Violent Lyrics That Cause Violence Since the 70’s, music has been accused of being the cause of violent behavior. During the 70’s and 80’s, several heavy metal bands were being blamed for the sudden outbursts of violent behavior among teens. Back then, Ozzy Osbourne was the choice of blame among the media. They were accusing him of having secret messages in his ‘satanic’ lyrics, which hypnotized and manipulated the minds of young listeners everywhere. During the 80’s, punk bands began to take over the music scene. The media then directed the blame towards the new artists. In 1988, rap was invented. The media also changed their views on who to blame. They broadcast several stories on the news, on how new age music was affecting the lives of the next generation. Soon blame was put on the African American rap artists, believing that they were poisoning today’s youth. Rap music was becoming known as a bleak way for someone to express themselves, labeling rap as the newest r ebel music. People were beginning to believe stories that rap music lead to substance abuse, crime, rape and killing. Between ‘94 and ’95, punk rock was taken to new levels, when Marilyn Manson created the first industrial rock album. His unique style and originality were not welcome among society. The media started to point fingers at Manson as well. But for some reason, youth were attracted to his image. Today’s media, places blame on Eminem. His brutally honest lyrics were taken as insult to a lot of people. The media argues that the lyrics are to shock and offend people, when they may just be something used to catch a listener’s attention. The media has created a pattern by switching the blame from artist to artist. Its no surprise that when the subject of violent lyrics comes up, teens always have a good argument, no matter which side they’re on. There is one thing that is the same with all the artists who have been victims of the me...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Analysis And Usage Of Cams And Their Followers Engineering Essay
Analysis And Usage Of Cams And Their Followers Engineering Essay A cam follower, also known as a track follower,[1] is a specialized type of roller or needle bearing designed to follow cams. Cam followers come in a vast array of different configurations, however the most defining characteristic is how the cam follower mounts to its mating part; stud style cam followers use a stud while the yoke style has a hole through the middle.[2] The first cam follower was invented and patented in 1937 by Thomas L. Robinson of the McGill Manufacturing Company.[3] It replaced using just a standard bearing and bolt. The new cam followers were easier to use because the stud was already included and they could also handle higher loads.[ / CAM AND MECHANISMS A cam mechanism consists of three elements: the cam, the follower (or follower system), and the frame. The follower is in direct contact with the cam. The cam may be of various shapes. The follower system includes all of the elements to which motion is imparted by the cam. This may be connected directly to the follower, or connected through linkages and gearing. The frame of the machine supports the bearing surfaces for the cam and for the follower. A CAM changes the input motion, which is usually rotary motion (a rotating motion), to a reciprocating motion of the follower. They are found in many machines and toys WHAT IS THE CONCEPT BEHIND CAM? A CAM is a rotating machine element which gives reciprocating or oscillating motion to another element known as follower. The cam and follower has a point or line contact constitute a higher pair or you can say that it is the mechanicl component of a machine that is used to transmit the motion to the another component of the machine called the follower, through a prescribed program by direct contact.The contact between them is maintained by an external force which is generally provided by the spring or sometimes by the weight of the follower itself ,when it is sufficient. Cam is the driver member and the follower is the driven member. The followe r is in direct contact with the cam. CAM MECHANISM CONSIST OF THREE MECHANISMS CAM:It may be of many shapes FOLLOWER: It includes all the elements to which motion is imparted by the cam.This may be connected directly by the cam.This may be connected directly to the follower, or connected through linkages and gearing. FRAME: The frame of the machine supports the bearing surfaces for the cam and for the follower. APPLICATIONS OF CAM AND FOLLOWERS Cam and follower are widely used for operating inlet and exhaust valve of I C engine. These are used in wall clock. These are used in feed mechanism of automatic lathe Machine. These are used in paper cutting machine. Used in weaving textile machineries. The cam mechanism is a versatile one. It can be designed to produce almost unlimited types of motioning the follower. It is used to transform a rotary motion into a translating or oscillating motion. On certain occasions, it is also used to transform one translating or oscillating motion into a different translating or oscillating motion.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Aesthetic of the Maqbool Movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Aesthetic of the Maqbool Movie - Essay Example Arjun Appadurai on giving his opinion about Maqbool said that the notion of the nation-state is on the edge of disappearing; however, its maintenance is based on certain ethical and political dimensions. It is because of the permeability of borders that the idea of national cinema is being questioned as the borders are being pushed and broadened. The major difference found in the Hollywood and Bollywood movies belonging to the same genre as Maqbool is the incorporation of music and background scores. For example, thriller movies like Maqbool, All about my mother, Black Orpheus etc. in Hollywood incorporate the background scores in order to provide more depth to the storyline. There are no thriller-drama Hollywood movies where songs can be found in the background. However, in Bollywood movies, there is a significant place for songs as they are used to define some intense and important scenes of the movie. The function of a song in the Hollywood movies is just to define the complexity of the scene, whereas its function in Bollywood movie may include defining the importance of a scene. Few songs that are used in Movie Maqbool define the infatuations between the movies lead character (Rastogi). The Bollywood film industry has always cherished the spirit of love in their movies. Most of the Bollywood movies irrespective of their genre incorporate love and romance. However, this is not always the case of Hollywood movie. The thriller dramas of Hollywood most of the time do not incorporate love story just to cater to some specific type of audience. The Hollywood thrillers usually revolve around a strong storyline following the authenticity of the original script, rather than focusing on the audience by including the elements of love and romance. In Bollywood movies, the love and romance constitute a significant part.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Marketing Communication of Adidas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing Communication of Adidas - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is Adidas. Created in 1925 by Adolf ‘Adi’ Dassler, Adidas has dominated the sports apparel and footwear market for over 80 years. Adidas started off as a sports footwear company that designed special shoes for athletes, however, over the years Adidas expanded into sports goods as well. After its success in Germany Adidas expanded to the United States in 1968, and captured the American market in a matter of few years. Adidas’ success worldwide can be attributed not only to its unmatched quality and innovation but also to its marketing strategies. Being a premier sports brand, Adidas has been prominent in the sports world at all levels which has been a huge success factor for the brand. The broad product offering of Adidas has enabled it to capture a global market for itself; the product categories include Football, Basketball, Running, Training and Outdoor sports. Customization and innovation are key growth drivers for the bra nd. Adidas is identified with performance and in order to uphold that brand image it serves its consumers five performance benefits through its products which are designed to be faster, stronger, smarter, cooler and natural. Marketing communication plays a pivotal role when it comes to establishing brand name, loyalty and engaging consumers. The marketing communication of Adidas seeks to achieve three main objectives: creating brand awareness, identifying a need that the brand or product fulfills and finally encouraging action from the audience. It achieves these by employing seamless marketing and communication leadership strategies, rendering authenticity through strategic partnerships and extending brand reach through endorsements and partnerships. A very important growth driver is the brand’s history with athletes and Global sports which has not only created a favorable brand image but also brand awareness and loyalty in the Global arena. Endorsements and sponsorships hav e been the central marketing communication tool of Adidas. By virtue of its nature, the brand has the power to dominate the world of sports through strategic partnerships and celebrity endorsements. The most crucial perhaps, have been endorsements by athletes such as Ian Thorpe, Andre Agassi, Kaka, Zidane, David Beckham et al who embody the brand image and product philosophy and consequently create very favorable attitudes in consumers towards the brand. The brand is, therefore, not only preferred by athletes across the world but also by ordinary consumers who have a passion for sports and who idolize those athletes. Another marketing tool of the brand is associating the brand philosophy to tangible outcomes. This not only renders legitimacy to the brand but also sensationalizes it and therefore leaves a very far reaching impact by creating a brand appeal that is second to none. The ‘golden ball’ for instance was the official football for FIFA World Cup 2006. The brandà ¢â‚¬â„¢s association with major sporting events, leagues, clubs and sports associations as partner, sponsor and licensee has also been a central pillar in propping its marketing communication. Among many such associations some mention worthy partnerships and sponsorships include; the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Woody Guthrie Essay -- Biography Biographies
Woody Guthrie           Woody Guthrie, born Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, was born in Okemah, Oklahoma in 1912. When he was 16 he began to travel around the United States (Feather 428). He had a great love for music and soon began writing his own songs about the Great Depression and the treatment of the migrant workers, who were forced to move west because of the Dust Bowl.      His music greatly influenced many people across the country. However, Woody never let the fame go to his head.      â€Å"When Woody Guthrie was singing hillbilly songs on a little Los Angeles radio station in the late 1930’s, he used to mail out a small mimeographed songbook to listeners who wanted the words to his songs, On the bottom page appeared the following: ‘This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under Seal of Copyright # 154085, for a period of 28 years, and anybody caught singin it without our permission, will be mighty good friends of ourn, cause we don’t give a dern. Publish it. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, that’s all      we wanted to do.’†(qtd. Pete Seeger 3448/guthrie.html) Woody was very passionate about his causes. He felt very strongly about the mistreatment of the migrant workers, probably because he was himself an â€Å"Okie†. His works served as inspiration for musicians like Bob Dylan and Pete Reeves 2 Seeger and not to mention â€Å"countless, less-famous others†( guthrie.html) ...
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Survival Skills In South Central LA
While a majority of adults continually struggle to cope with the occurrence Of death, this Story tells a tale of children who have practically become accustomed to it. Beauty provides a distinct look at this urban school setting through her inside view of student emotions, evidence of pain within the kids, and the feelings that she evokes from the audience despite her straightforward tone. (simple) While first reading about Ms. Beauty and her inside story into this previously uncharted territory, sensed as though she was a woman who possessed a very intimate bond with the students.In the story, when describing what occurred on days when the students mourned someone who was killed, Ms. Beauty notes that â€Å"boys lingered over handshakes and looked into my eyes solemnly. Girls threw their arms around me and wordlessly moved away. No one said enough. †(Beauty; par. 5). A majority of her descriptions of students and events, as well as her diction, seem somewhat heartfelt yet a bit plainly stated on the surface; however, the cultural distance between Ms. Beauty and the students seemingly increases the more we observe how she interacts with them. When Ms.Beauty discusses how the kids hugged her, the description actually makes her seem somewhat aloof. The way that the author words the sentence makes it seem as though the children approach her with emotions and she is simply present, receiving the actions. As a teacher, Beauty never necessarily makes a huge effort to help the student's cope with these devastating loses, except in the case of Dander where Ms. Beauty does display some emotional involvement. On the day of this peculiar interaction between student and teacher, Beauty â€Å"was not prepared for the sight one day f Dander, standing alone behind the stairwell. (Beauty; par. 6). However, even in this case we see her as an outsider looking in: when a counselor arrives after a failed attempt to comfort her student, Ms. Beauty â€Å"watched them go wi th a mixture of relief and dread. Out of [her] hands. †She obviously had worthy intentions to comfort Dander, but the situation seemed to be bigger than anything she could resolve. Ms. Beats trustworthiness becomes another important factor to focus our attention on and her illustration of events keys us into the devastation that sakes place in South Central Los Angels.The story itself does not appear to include any influence of bias, but the author narrates from a personal point of view and therefore the article contains her opinions and viewpoints on the matter. Ms. Beauty gives credible information because she witnessed all of these hardships and events first-hand; she offers highly trust;rotor information in comparison to, for example, an internet news columnist who would write about different schools in Los Angels. When narrating, she delivers a subjective point of view that would not be attainable from an outside source.The tone throughout the article delivers a sense of authority that is unmatched to anything Vive ever read before, somehow conveying emotion in such a nondescript manner. While describing the tale of events, Beauty utilizes fairly straight forward language. When recounting Dander's story of false accusation, she gives evidence to the type of misfortune that falls upon the shoulders of young teens in this area. The story of Dander evokes both logic and sympathy because no child should have to suffer this type of harassment and blame, especially not in Dander's case because he ad such good intentions of standing up for his sister.Pathos lingers throughout this recap of Dander's accusations When discussing the accusations, the Beauty says that Dander â€Å"was taken into custody, where he was told they already had evidence that he'd killed the boy and were just looking for a confession. The smartest thing he could do, they told him, was to confess, so they could get his sentence down to a few years. If he refused, he would get life. à ¢â‚¬ (Beauty; par. 16). This section of the story really resonated with me, and cannot imagine a person falsely accusing me of murder or coaxed into making reparations for a crime of which did not take part in.Although it appears that Beauty lacks the same cultural background as the students, believe that she could have written her story with more conviction, urging readers to reach out to the hopeless children. Through researching, I found out about multiple organizations and charities that help motivate inner-city kids to graduate high school. When Beauty talked about her â€Å"heavy- footed student who looked too old for ninth grad' (Beauty; par. 3), it made me realize that what some of these students needed was a ray of hope in heir violence-filled surroundings.One charity called the I Have A Dream Foundation pledges college education funding for kids who graduate high school, and this would be a great thing for Beauty to have introduced into the school. Focusing their effort s into schoolwork and attempting to make something out of their lives might be just the spark that South Central Los Angels would need to eliminate teen violence. Beats emotional involvement with her students is never quite enough; her aloofness, insensitivity, and difference in cultural upbringing make it difficult for her to innocent on a deep level with her students.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Exchange Systems, Trade Networks, and Archaeology
An exchange system or trade network can be defined as any manner in which consumers connect with producers. Regional exchange studies in archaeology describe the networks that people used to gain, barter for, purchase, or otherwise obtain raw material, goods, services and ideas from the producers or sources, and to move those goods across the landscape. The purpose of exchange systems can be to fulfill both basic and luxury needs. Archaeologists identify networks of exchange by using a variety of analytical techniques on material culture, and by identifying raw material quarries and manufacturing techniques for specific types of artifacts. Exchange systems have been a focus of archaeological research since the mid-19th century when chemical analyses were first used to identify the distribution of metal artifacts from central Europe. One pioneer study is that of archaeologist Anna Shepard who during the 1930s and 40s used the presence of mineral inclusions in pottery sherds to provide evidence for a widespread trade and exchange network throughout the southwestern United States. Economic Anthropology The underpinnings of the exchange systems research were strongly influenced by Karl Polyani in the 1940s and 50s. Polyani, an economic anthropologist, described three types of trading exchange: reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange. Reciprocity and redistribution, said Polyani, are methods that are embedded in long-range relationships that imply trust and confidence: markets, on the other hand, are self-regulating and disembedded from trust relationships between producers and consumers. Reciprocity is a behavioral system of trade, which is based on the more or less equal sharing of goods and services. Reciprocity could be defined simply as you scratch my back, Ill scratch yours: you do something for me, Ill reciprocate by doing something for you. Ill watch your cows, youll provide my family with milk.Redistribution involves a collection point from which goods are apportioned out. In a typical redistribution system, a village chief collects a percentage of the produce in a village, and provides it to members of the group based on need, gifts, feasting: any one of a number of etiquette rules that have been established in a given society.Market exchange involves an organized institution, in which goods producers congregate at specified locations at specified times. Either barter or money exchange is involved ​in order to allow consumers to obtain required goods and services from purveyors. Polyani himself argued that markets may or may not be integrated within c ommunity networks. Identifying Exchange Networks Anthropologists can go into a community and determine the existing exchange networks by talking to the local residents and observing the processes: but archaeologists must work from what David Clarke once called indirect traces in bad samples. Pioneers in the archaeological study of exchange systems include Colin Renfrew, who argued that it was important to study trade because the institution of a trade network is a causal factor for cultural change. Archaeological evidence for the movement of goods across the landscape has been identified by a series of technological innovations, building from Anna Shepards research. In general, sourcing artifactsâ€â€identifying where a particular raw material came fromâ€â€involves a series of laboratory tests on artifacts which are then compared to known similar materials. Chemical analysis techniques used to identify raw material sources include Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and various spectrographic methods, among a wide and growing number of laboratory techniques. In addition to identifying the source or quarry where raw materials were obtained, chemical analysis can also identify similarities in pottery types or other sorts of finished goods, thus determining whether the finished goods were created locally or brought in from a distant location. Using a variety of methods, archaeologists can identify whether a pot that looks as if it were made in a different town is truly an import, or rather a locally made copy. Markets and Distribution Systems Market locations, both prehistorically and historically, are often located in public plazas or town squares, open spaces shared by a community and common to nearly every society on the planet. Such markets often rotate: market day in a given community may be every Tuesday and in a neighboring community every Wednesday. Archaeological evidence of such use of communal plazas is difficult to ascertain because typically plazas are cleaned and used for a wide variety of purposes. Itinerant traders such as the pochteca of Mesoamerica have been identified archaeologically through iconography on written documents and monuments such as stele as well as by the types of artifacts left in burials (grave goods). Caravan routes have been identified in numerous places archaeologically, most famously as part of the Silk Road connecting Asia and Europe. Archaeological evidence seems to suggest that trade networks were much of the driving force behind the construction of roads, whether wheeled vehicles were available or not. Diffusion of Ideas Exchange systems are also the way ideas and innovations are communicated across the landscape. But thats a whole other article. 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